Thursday, June 19, 2014

Rainbow Loom - Plastic vs Metal Hook

Yes, l'm also into the Rainbow Loom craze! I ordered and received my Rainbow Loom kits (err... nope, it's not authentic but as good as the original ones) on 24 May. I started looming some bracelets and went on to do more difficult/complicated stuff. My review of the plastic hook that came with the kit is that it wasn't hardy enough to do the more difficult/complicated stuff while it can definitely be used to loom some simple bracelets. I would definitely recommend one to get a metal hook, especially if you are planning to do more difficult/complicated stuff.

The top picture shows a plastic hook that has been used for a while to loom more difficult/complicated stuff, the circled part is turning white, meaning that part has turned soft and fragile, which may break anytime.

The bottom picture shows a new plastic hook that has never been used before, the circle part does not have the "whitening effect".

For those who are looking for a metal hook, you may consider getting a crotchet hook used for knitting, as it's a cheaper alternative to the metal hook that costs at least $8.90 depending on where you buy. I found a suitable crotchet hook in Daiso, so for only $2, it's worth a try! See the below picture for the crotchet hook that you can find in Daiso.

Happy Looming!