Monday, April 14, 2014

Drink for Cough - Passion Fruit Drink

I had been coughing quite badly since I came back from China in end March, and my girl also coughing badly, so a friend suggested that I made Passion Fruit Drink, which is good for coughing. I'm sharing this recipe that my friend has kindly agreed for me to share on my blog, hopefully it can help others as well. I've added in additional tips of my own, see tips.

*Please vary the recipe accordingly if you're boiling a bigger pot of water with more passion fruits.

1) 2 Passion Fruits (百香果)
2) Rock Sugar

1) Clean the passion fruits. 
Tip: As you need to put the skin to boil too, some may be concerned of the cleanliness of the skin. Hence, you can wash off the dirt, soak the fruits in water (add some baking soda if you wish) for about 10 minutes. As the fruits tend to float, you may wish to use a plate, invert it to cover and press down the fruits. After soaking for 10 minutes, you may use a knife to scrape the skin a bit.

2) Put the passion fruits into the pot, and cut them into quarters. By doing so, the juice that came out from the fruits when you cut them would be contained in the pot so that not a drop of the juice would be wasted!

3) If the fruit is riper type (more reddish), the pulp and seeds come out from the fruit easily when you cut it. 
Tip: If the fruit is not that ripe, you may scrape the pulp and seeds out from the skins.

4) Fill the pot with water to half mark (half pot of water).

5) Bring the pot of water with the passion fruits skin, pulp and seeds, to boil. After the water is boiled, turn to low fire and continue to boil for 30 minutes (with the lid covered).

6) Add rock sugar according to your taste (or make it sweeter for your young children or not so sweet for elderly folks). Note that the more reddish passion fruit is sweeter, and hence, may not need to add too much sugar; the greener passion fruit is more sour, and hence, may need to add more sugar.

7) The following picture is what you get when the drink is done. Sieve the seeds and serve the drink warm.

Drink one cup a day, twice a day preferred. Drink for about 1-3 days depending on your condition. 
*Note: Cup size varies, so you have to judge for yourself. For example, when I make this drink for my 7yo boy who doesn't have cough (he likes the drink!), 2yo girl and myself, I would give myself a bigger portion, and smaller portion for my 2 children, especially for my boy.

If the cough is mild, one may potentially stop coughing after drinking it. If the cough is more serious, it helps to relieve the symptom. Disclaimer: See a doctor if you don't get better!

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