Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Make Learning Han Yu Pin Yin Fun!

My son (DS) is in Primary 1 this year. One of the most "terrifying" things for parents to teach the child is Spelling and 听写. My husband (DH) and I have been speaking to DS in Mandarin since young, and my mum was a retired teacher who is well versed in Chinese, so we should not have any problem teaching him 听写. Nonetheless, I want him to learn Chinese in a fun way that he would really remember, and not just merely memorise the Han Yu Pin Yin or Chinese words by heart.

I started searching for pictures, and inserted them into boxes in MS Word. After I printed it out, I put the paper in a clear pocket so that my son can write on it using a whiteboard marker, and this can be re-used many times to teach and revise with my son.

Verdict? He enjoys learning in this manner. I'm glad that my efforts and time spent on doing this paid off. :)

Tips: You can use this to teach the child the English words of these pictures too! :)

1 comment:

  1. I am really happy with your blog because your article is very unique and powerful for new reader.
    Han Yu Pin Yin
