Monday, January 6, 2014

Selling Things via Online Methods

Things cluttering up the space at home? Children outgrown the items? Somehow, you just have to get rid of them to make room for new things to come in, especially it's spring cleaning time now!!!

These past 2-3 weeks have been a good one for me when it comes to selling or even blessing out things. I have managed to sell away few slightly larger or bulky items, such as children playyard and bumbo chair, and quite a number of smaller items that I could mail out.

Friends have been asking me how I managed to sell away those things as they have been having difficulty trying to get rid of their stuff. Well, I have to say, I really took a lot of efforts and quite a bit of time as I posted my stuff for sale at 3 different Facebook groups, Gumtree and even Singapore Motherhood Forum! For items that are not deemed good enough to be sold, I would bless them out via a blessing Facebook group.

Here's some tips when trying to sell your stuff:

1. When choosing which Facebook group to post, you must know what you can sell and the maximum sale price for each of the groups. For examples:-

Xchange Corner group for parents by Buzzy Tots allows you to sell children and maternity stuff, and there is no cap on the selling price. This is good to post all the things that you're allowed to sell with no restriction on selling price.

Low Cost Spree Clearing allows you to sell things with a cap of $4 and the price must include postage cost. This is good to post the things that you're trying to clear at relatively cheap price.

Budget Corner for babies , mummies , ladies @ $10 n below ! allows you to sell baby, mummy & lady stuff at no more than $10.

Choose Facebook groups with different budget as there are people who look into the lower cost groups. Afterall, who don't like things that are relatively a lot more affordable?

2. When posting in Facebook groups, it's good to read the terms and conditions of each group frequently as each of them has different rules and they are updated as and when. Read carefully and understand the difference between the different groups, and see how you can take "advantage" of the rules to promote your items so that it would attract people's attention. 

If the group said that you can only bump the album every 24hrs, do remember to bump it frequently and try bumping it at different timing, sometimes in the day, sometimes at night, sometimes at wee hours, hopefully it would attract people who is awake or accessing Facebook at different timing. If the group said not to bump more than 3 posts, choose 3 items that you think might stand a higher chance of selling, and bump those posts instead of bumping the entire album.

3. Reach out to people who might not have a Facebook account, and you can do so via Gumtree and Singapore Motherhood (SMH) Forum.

When posting on Gumtree, you can't bump the posts like you can in Facebook groups, but what you can do is to remove those that you had already posted for some time, and post them again so that they appear on the front pages.

4. Capture picture of the items that you're trying to sell, and post it on your sale thread. A picture speaks a thousand words! Hence, do make an effort to take a presentable looking picture.

5. Set notification for Facebook postings and email notification for Gumtree and SMH so that you are prompted when someone posted on your post.

6. Check and monitor responses frequently!!! It is pretty pointless if you just keep posting what you have to sell but you don't check and monitor the responses on a frequent basis. With smartphone technology, you can access Facebook and your emails almost anywhere, so it isn't too difficult to check and monitor responses.

7. Most importantly, don't be lazy or procrastinate, do spend some efforts and time to set up the things for sale, else don't complain that you have difficulty trying to sell your stuff. Not forget to mention, make sure you can wait it out for some time, don't be in a hurry to get rid of the items like in weeks' time as you probably end up selling much cheaper than you expected or giving it to people instead. Also, don't give up when a trade fails, just persist on, and the item would be sold in time to come. If it doesn't get sold for a long long time, like a year... see if you have been working hard enough trying to sell your stuff or it's relatively a difficult item to get rid of. If it's the former, move your butt, remember that the longer you wait, the lesser the value of the item as it gets depreciated over the time and might become more & more worthless. If it's the latter, probably consider to donate to a charity organisation that probably has means to refurbish and sell the item, or sometimes, people may just buy to support a charity effort. 

I hope the above tips can help you to sell away your things faster, have fun selling! :)

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