Sunday, October 12, 2014

Carrot Cake (3rd attempt) on 12 Oct 2014

It's been months since I last made carrot cake, so finally decided to make it, especially I have so many packets of chye poh in my fridge - 2 opened packets and 2 unopened packets. I think my mum might have opened another packet when she couldn't find or didn't notice the 1st opened packet.

This time, I made the carrot cake based on a recipe from ieatishootipost but I modified it according to our taste and to fill up a 10" by 3" round tin pan based on what my mum taught me. Verdict? Well, it's a success! The carrot cake turns out to be more firm as compared to my past 2 attempts, and of course, I made it without my mum's help. :)

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