Sunday, September 28, 2014

Rainbow Cheesecake (4th attempt) on 28 Sep 2014

I had tendered my resignation as I decided to become a SAHM to look after my P1 son and have more time to teach or revise with him for his study. Hence, my last day of work is 30 Sep, and I decided to make some cheesecake for my colleagues.

For easy serving, I had chosen to make individual portions. This time, I used 2 flavours of yogurt - Mixed Fruit and Nata de Coco. What did I learn this time? Well, I realised that the cheesecake wasn't as "smooth" looking as my 3rd attempt; there's coconut flakes. I realised that it must be the Nata de Coco (means cream coconut) flavour of yogurt that I added in. Before I realised this, I thought what had gone wrong this time round? hahaha... Hence, I should avoid using Nata de Coco flavour of yogurt if I want a smoother looking cheesecake.

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