Sunday, July 3, 2016

It's been more than a month!

Oh wow, I have not been blogging for entire June about my renovation journey since my renovation works kicked start on 30 May! Well, we moved out temporary to my in-laws place to stay during the June school holidays. The internet connection there isn't that fast as compared to our house and not convenient to stay up late since it's not our home afterall.

The renovation journey has been kind of roller coaster for us... tiring, thrilling, hectic, traumatise, horror, etc... Good news is that we have moved back home on 26 June, just before school re-opens. Bad news is that the renovation isn't fully completed yet and there's been several hiccups along the way, which I would blog about the bad stuff later after I'm done deal with all the contractors that I'm not happy with, even my hubby who is easy going, mild or no temper person, would agree with me wholeheartedly!

I'll be blogging at a slower pace since renovation works hasn't completed and I'm also doing some freelance audit assignments, which will keep me busy for quite a while. Meanwhile, watch out for my updates!

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