Thursday, December 26, 2013

Carrot Cake (2nd attempt) on 25 Dec 2013

Suddenly felt like eating fried carrot cake, so I bought the ingredients to make carrot cake. Yes, I'm nuts to be doing this late at night when I was just busy doing the cheesecake earlier on in the afternoon. Tired? Not really when the passion for cooking/baking gets turned on, lol!

This would be my 2nd attempt doing it. As mum now stays with me during weekdays to help look after my son, I have an advisor who can advise me on cooking and baking! :)

I felt that the mixture was a little bit watery despite I have cut down the amount of water from the original recipe, and concerned that it would turn out to be soft like my 1st attempt, I called my mum to come and take a look. She took over and poured more flour and water in. She advised me to put in more flour and water so that it can fill up the pan more. When I asked her for the proportion of flour vs water, she told me "agar agar". Oh well... older generation tends to cook or bake based on "agaration" and mind you, their agaration makes wonderful cooking and baking!

How it turned out? Of course, it looked more solid, not as soft as the one that I steamed on my 1st attempt. It's still not perfect though, can be a little bit harder. Well, I shall try again soon, before Chinese New Year. Afterall, this is one of my favourite dishes! I shall continue to make it till I find the perfect "hardness". :)

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