Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Gone MIA for 2017!

Oh mine, I just realised that I have gone mia from my blog site for whole of 2017!!! Hahaha... Well, what I had been busy with for whole of last year? Hmm... seriously, I was crazy playing Pokemon Go!!! Yes, I had been so busy playing the game that I had neglected quite a bit of other parts of my life. I think it's time I moved away from the game and moved on to other things. Yes, I had decided to quit the game. I may logon occasionally to play a bit since I can't find someone trustworthy enough to take over my account. I enjoyed the game and had fun. I made some new friends and would continue to keep in touch with some of them. 

I had come a long way and proud to say that I levelled up to 40 before raids were introduced into the game. Would it be a pity to end the game just like that since I had spent money, time and efforts on it? It wasn't an easy decision... Oh well, nothing is forever. For now, my children need me to spend more time with them and more efforts on them. My older child is P5 this year and he's aiming to go for his choice of school via DSA route next year, so he's preparing to take a test for the instrument that he's been playing for his CCA this year. This means I should stay at home to ensure that he practises every day instead of going out to play, haha... I quit my full time job back then to take care of my children and coach in their studies, not to be a full time Pokemen trainer. My younger child is K2 this year and she's starting to have spelling and ting xie assigned by her childcare teachers. I have to teach her to learn all the chim chim words. Seriously, there's not much time for me to play like I'm still single or like a retiree.

I'm going to start blogging again, so stay tuned... 

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